15 minutes together

Online gallery

3 digital images


15 minutes together

Online gallery

3 digital images

Mommy&Me MINIS

(Or a session for you and your sweetheart)

An open field and just you and your babes.

This session will be held just outside of Alton City limits, in this beautiful open field. You will have a chance to cuddle, tickle, and giggle with your babies or the person you love.

These sessions are open to mommas and ALL their babies OR any couples who would like to get some sweet and cuddly portraits together.

Christmas MINIS

This session will be held just outside of Alton City limits, at this beautiful red barn.

I will have the barn decorated in MULTIPLE christmas wreaths, a handmade bench for us to sit on, and a few sets of jingle bells to let kids play with.

These will be open to the whole family or just the children!

Want to bring your pet? As long as they can stay on a leash and are well behaved, they are more than welcome to join!

Links open NOW!

Book yours, even if they haven't been announced publicly!